2 분 소요

Fandom is more than simply being a fan, and now the world of fandom has started to develop its own language.



sharing similar opinions, ideas or interests

  • 같은 생각을 가진 -> 칼라로 연결된

odd or unusual, but in an attractive and interesting way

  • 주로 영국에서 쓰는 단어
  • 약간 병맛이기도 하지만 기발하고 흥미롭고, 장난기 있는 느낌

insult someone by laughing at them in an unkind way

  • mock someone 으로 쓰이면
  • 약간 비꼬거나 바보처럼 흉내내는 느낌이다.

BIRGing (short for Basking in Reflected Glory)
feeling good about yourself when the team you support wins

  • 국뽕을 생각하면 좀 편하다.

a piece/a slice of the action
taking part in a celebration or other exciting group activity

  • 어떤 상황에 비비는 행동에 대한 명사로 생각하면 된다.
  • We slew the party so Tom wanted a piece of the action

CORFing (short for Cutting off Reflected Failure)
distancing yourself from the team you support when they lose

  • BIRGing 의 반대말
  • 한국인으로서 엄청 창피한 짓을 했을 경우 거기에 같은 한국인으로서 끼고 싶지 않는 느낌

In Talk

Michael Bond
Kings ruled their kingdoms, fans certainly rule their fandoms. It taps into that ancient human impulse to belong to a group of like-minded people, and of course being a fan by yourself can be a challenging thing because fannish pursuits can look quirky and odd… even obsessive, and you get often mocked and, I mean, if you’re Jane Austen fan and you want to dress up in a bonnet and gown of the Regency era it’s difficult to do that by yourself in public, but once you join a fandom there’s no problem.

  • tap into : ~에 다가가다, ~와 친구가 되다., ~을 활용하다.
  • impulse : n) (갑작스런) 충동, (반응을 불러일으키는) 충격, 자극
  • fannish: 광적인
  • pursuit: 추구, (에너지, 시간을 들이는) 취미

(Jane Austen - 오만과 편경, 이성과 감성등을 집필한 영국 소설가)

Michael Bond
Academics who study fandoms, they love to use acronyms and abbreviations and they’ve got several phrases which they used to describe the behaviour of football fans… BIRGing so that means ‘Basking In Reflected Glory. When your team wins everyone wants a bit of the action, you take to the streets, dance around… and so the antithesis of that is CORFing which means ‘Cutting Off Reflected Failure’ and that is what people sometimes do when their team loses and they don’t want to be associated with that loss, that sense of failure.

antithesis a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else. “love is the antithesis of selfishness”

  • 둘 사이의 대조, 대립

What is an abbreviation? An abbreviation is any shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase. Did you catch the word any in there? That means abbreviation is the blanket term for all these shortened words we’ve all been using on social media. Rly is a great example … we just took out the vowels—who needs ‘em—and now it’s an abbreviation.

  • 줄임말 -> ㅎㅇ, ㅂㄷㅂㄷ

What is an acronym? For one, acronyms are types of abbreviations.

Specifically, an acronym is a specific type of abbreviation formed from the first letters of a multi-word term, name, or phrase, with those letters pronounced together as one term. OPEC—or the O(rganization of) P(etroleum) E(xporting) C(ountries)—is an acronym because we pronounce it as one word, oh-pek.

  • 줄임말 -> 갑분싸, 별다줄

Of course, true fans never CORF. In fact, some football fans take a kind of strange pessimistic pleasure when their team loses week after week.

pessimistic: 비관적인
