1 분 소요




a savoury flavour; one of the five basic tastes savoury : 짭잘한 umami : 감칠맛

describes animals which are able to experience feelings, such as joy and pain sentient : 지각이 있는

life cycle
the series of changes something goes through from birth to death

likes to live alone solitary : 혼자하는

in captivity
kept somewhere and not allowed to leave, like in a zoo in captivity : 포로가 되어 (동물을 가두어 기를 때)

to exchange one thing for another

In Talk

Claire Marshall
They’ve got an incredibly complex life cycle and it’s, scientists have been sort of working feverishly to try to close that life cycle, particularly in Mexico and Japan and obviously now Spain. They need live food – the larvae. And also octopuses are incredibly solitary and it just makes it really hard to manage to basically keep them in captivity at a commercial scale. feverishly : 열광하여,과열된 / 열이나는 larvae : 유충, 앨벌레 solitary : 혼자 하는

Dr Heather Browning
So, we wanted to look at whether they had specific kinds of nerve connections. Or if they have specific kinds of brains, and whether they were capable of performing certain kinds of trade-off behaviours or pain-related behaviours, learning behaviours that we thought would correlate with the probability of sentience. And what we found with octopuses in particular is they seemed to meet many of the criteria that we laid out. correlate : 연관성이 있다/ 상관관계를 보여주다. sentience : 감각성, 지각력 criteria : criterion 의 복수 (기준) lay out : 펼치다, 질책하다, 설계하다.

The scientists found that octopuses do experience feelings because they show typical characteristics of sentient creatures, such as trade-off behaviour. Trade-off means giving up one thing in return for another, such as giving up shelter for food. So it looks like the debate about whether it’s OK to farm and eat octopuses will continue… characteristics : 형질, 문자
