2 분 소요

Fingers down a blackboard, someone chewing, the scrape of a plate - there are lots of sounds people don’t like.

But for some people, it causes them huge distress.



something that causes people to feel emotional distress or fear, often because they remind the person of a traumatic event in the past

  • distress : n) 고통, 괴로움, v) 괴롭히다, 고통스럽게 하다.
  • traumatic : a) 정신적 외상을 초래할 정도의, 대단히 충격적인

natural human response to a stressful or dangerous situation that makes people either run away or stay to face the threat

completely harmless

  • innocuous : 무해한

takes its toll
causes suffering, damage, or death

  • takes its toll : 큰 피해, 타격을 주다.

passed away
(polite expression) died euphemistic way of saying ‘died’

  • euphemistic : 완곡한

a shock to the system
a sudden and unpleasant change

  • a shock to the system : 대박 사건 (충격적인, 긍정적인 방향은 아님)

In Talk

Phil Sorry, Neil. Actually, it’s not only you who finds certain sounds irritating, unpleasant, or even unbearable. Whether it’s someone biting their nails, rustling a crisp bag, or scraping a knife on a dinner plate, some everyday sounds have the power to make us angry or upset.

  • unbearable : 참을 수 없는, 견딜 수 없는
  • rustling : 바스락 거리는 (낙엽 밟을 때)
  • crisp : 바삭바삭 (감자칩)

Neil There’s even a name for it: misophonia, also known as ‘sound rage’, and  it’s more common than you might think. According to some estimates, one person in five is affected emotionally by the coughing, slurping, sneezing and snorting sounds made by the people around them.

  • estimate : 견적서, 추정치, 추산

Olana Tansley-Hancock  Just any kind of inescapable, repetitive noise will potentially cause a misophonic-type response in me, that fight-or-flight and yeah… it’s that immediate, uncontrollable reaction that you get to the sound that is the most hard to explain and unusual I think, cos’ in modern day you don’t we get many instances where you get a fight-or-flight response - it’s not like we’re frequently chased down by wild animals - and then to feel those from pretty innocuous everyday sounds is the thing that takes its toll.

  • inescapable : 피할 수 없는
  • repetitive : 반복적인
  • instance : n) 사례, 경우 v) ~을 예로 들다

Olana Tansley-Hancock It’s not the same feeling, but it’s the same response in terms of the immediacy and inability to control it as when someone tells you that someone close to you has passed away… that feeling of utter, sudden reaction. You can’t control it, and then it lingers and carries on for you, that immediate emotional response.

  • immediacy : 직접성, 신속성, 속도
  • inability : 무능
  • utter: a) (강조의 의미로) 완전한, v) (입으로 어떤 소리를) 내다
  • linger : 남다(계속되다) / 더 오래 머물다, (~을 하면서 ) 오랜 시간을 보내다 / (시선, 생각이) ~에 오래 머물다.

Phil Fortunately, misophonia sufferers have developed some tricks to help. Playing background music can disguise the sound of people sipping and slurping their food; and clearly, honestly explaining what the condition is also helps people sympathise and understand.

  • disguise : 변장하다, 위장하다, 숨기다
  • sympathise : 동정하다, 측은히 여기다, 지지하다
