1 분 소요

How did Italian food become famous throughout the world?



restaurant that sells pizza

established; set up or started (for example, a business)

connected with cooking

(second/third/fourth etc) generation
used to describe the children of people whose parents immigrated to a particular country

stepping stone
event or experience that helps you advance or achieve something else

customs and cultural behaviour viewed as ‘normal’ by most people in a society

In Talk

Hugo Banchero
Well, our culinary tradition is pizza, and we incorporated the faina from Genoa, which is a pizza with chickpea flour…

  • Incorporate : 설립하다.
  • faina : 아르헨티나 녹두전
  • chickpea : 병아리콩

Lou De Palo
1925… when my grandmother, Concetta, and my grandfather, Luigi, got married, they open their own shop… it’s the shop we continue today being the fourth generation working alongside my sister, Maria, my brother, Sal, and our children, the fifth generation. Our business has expanded; expanded to represent the full food culture of the 20 regions of Italy. Little Italy is the stepping stone of the Italian immigrant. This is where many of the Italians first came through Ellis Island, and then settled here, and then eventually moved into mainstream America throughout the rest of the country.

  • alongside : 옆으로 나란히
  • mainstream : 주류, 주류에 편입시키다.

After arriving in New York, many Italian immigrants moved on to start successful new lives elsewhere. That’s why Lou calls Little Italy a stepping stone, an experience that helps you achieve something else, like a real stepping stone helps you cross a river. As a result, Italian newcomers became accepted in mainstream America, mainstream meaning the culture and customs viewed as ‘normal’ by most Americans.

  • newcomers : 뉴비, 신참 ( 한국에서 신입이랑 비슷한데 좀 더 약간 진짜 애기로 보는 느낌 )

덕분에 처음 알게 되었는데 마늘빵도 이탈리아가 원조라고 함
영국에서 피자나 라자냐보다 더 인기라고 함

영국 음식 맛 없다고 하는데 영국 전통 음식들이 맛 없는거지 런던에 미슐랭도 많고
대부분 각 나라 이민자들이 자기나라 음식으로 사업해서 생각보다 맛있는데 많음

(참고로 짜장면 땡기면 한식당 가야함…블랙 누들 한국꺼임.. 레알 중국레스토랑 가면 마라탕? 이런거 파는데 진짜 향신료 파티에 개구리? 가재 이런 요리도 많음..)

무튼 각 동네마다 거의 무조건 이탈리아 이민자들이 하는 동네 피잣집 있음
가격도 저렴한데 맛있어서 늦은 시간에 배달시키는거 아니면 굳이 도미노 이런데서 잘 안시켜 먹음
