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[Spring] Comparing with J2EE and Java EE

최대 1 분 소요

Comparing with J2EE and Java EE / J2EE / Java EE / Enterprise capabilities were initially built into JDK With time, they were separated out: ...

[Spring] Thymeleaf with Spring Boot

1 분 소요

What is Thymeleaf? Thymeleaf is Java templating engine Commonly used to generate the HTML views for web apps However, it is a general purpose templati...

[Spring] Security - BCrypt Encryption

1 분 소요

Spring Security Team Recommendation Spring Security recommends using the popular bcrypt algorithm bcrypt Performs one-way encrypted hashing ...

[Spring] User Accounts Stored in Database

1 분 소요

Database Access REST API security(3) So far, our user accounts were hard coded in Java source code We want to add database access <- ADVANCED

[Spring] Spring Boot REST API Security

1 분 소요

Learn! REST API security(1) Secure Spring Boot REST APIs Define users and roles Protect URLs based on role Store users, passwords and roles in DB (p...

[Spring] Spring REST API Design

8 분 소요

Spring REST API Design REST CRUD APIs(8) For real-time projects, who will use your API? Also, how will they use your API? Design the API based on requ...

[Spring] Spring REST Global Exception Handling

최대 1 분 소요

Global Exception Handling REST CRUD APIs(7) Exception handler code is only for the specific REST controller Can’t be reused by other controllers <- L...

[Spring] Spring REST Path Variables

최대 1 분 소요

Path Variables REST CRUD APIs(5) Retrieve a single student by id GET -> /api/students{studentId} <- Retrieve a single student (Known as a ‘path vari...

[Spring] JSON Jackson Data Binding

1 분 소요

Java JSON Data Binding REST CRUD APIs(4) Data binding is the process of converting JSON data to a Java POJO mapping, sterilization 뭐 다 같은 말임 Java POJO...

[Spring] Spring Boot REST HTTP

최대 1 분 소요

REST over HTTP REST CRUD APIs(2) Most common use of REST is over HTTP Leverage HTTP methods for CRUD operations

[Spring] What are REST Services?

최대 1 분 소요

REST 서비스란 무엇인가? REST CRUD APIs(1) 이해가 잘 가도록 스토리로 이해해보자.

[Spring] Querying Objects with JPA

최대 1 분 소요

JPA Query Language (JPQL) Hibernate/JPA CRUD (6) Query language for retrieving onjects Similar in concept to SQL where, like, order by, joi...

[Spring] Saving a Java Object with JPA

1 분 소요

JPA로 자바 오브젝트로 저장하기? Hibernate/JPA CRUD (4) Sample App Features Create a new Student Read a Student Update a Student Delete a Student

[Spring] What is Beans Scopes?

2 분 소요

Beans Scopes는 무엇인가 Scope refers to the lifecycle of a bean How long does the bean live? How many instances are created? How is the bean shared?

[Spring] Spring Boot Actuator?

2 분 소요

Spring Actuator / Actuator / Monitor and manage your application in your production Provides a number of endpoints: beans - Complete list of ...

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[Django] dashboard

2 분 소요

User management (4) / raise / login_required / dashboard

[Django] Login

2 분 소요

User management (3) / Login / Logout

[Django] Email verification

4 분 소요

User management (2) / 이메일 유효성 검사 / token / 깃허브로 SECRETS_KEY 관리하기 / AbstractUser.email_user

[Django] register

1 분 소요

User management (1) / form 만들기 / form 라이브러리 crispy로 꾸미기

[Django] Control option button

1 분 소요

Basic templates, URLS’s and VIews (5) render_with_liquid: false / 장바구니 옵션 버튼 / 숫자 형식 /

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Java 시간복잡도

최대 1 분 소요

시간복잡도 시간복잡도에 대해서 간단히 알아보기


최대 1 분 소요

자바에서 Collection framework이 뭔데?

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[운영체제] 시스템 구조(1)

4 분 소요

System Structure & Program Execution 컴퓨터 시스템에서 하드웨어가 어떻게 동작하고 프로그램들이 하드웨어 위에서 어떻게 돌아가는지에 대한 내용

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[BBC] Making male friends

1 분 소요

It is often thought that men are much worse than women at making and keeping friends.

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[Django] Test

15 분 소요

좋은 코드란 무엇인가

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