최대 1 분 소요



  • if wrong student id like out of number

You can handle the exception and return as JOSN

Spring REST Exception Handling

Development Process

  1. Create a custom error response class
  2. Create a custom exception class
  3. Update REST service to throw exception if student not found
  4. Add an exception handler method using @ExceptionHandler

Step 1: Create custom error response class

  • The custom error response class will be sent back to client as JSON
  • We will define as Java class(POJO)
    • You can define any custom fields that you want to track
  • Jackson will handle converting it to JSON

Step 2: Create custom student exception

  • The custom student exception will used by our REST service
  • In our code, if we can’t find student, then we’ll throw an exception
  • Need to define a custom student exception class

Step 3: Update REST service to throw exception

Spring REST Exception Handling

Step 4: Add exception handler method

  • Define exception handler method(s) with **@ExceptionHandler **annotation
  • Exception handler will return a ResponseEntity
  • ResponseEntity is a wrapper for the HTTP response object
  • ResponseEntity provides fine-grained control to specify:
    • HTTP status code, HTTP headers and Response body

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