1 분 소요

@Primary annotation은 어디다가 쓰는거지

Resolving issue with Multiple Coach implementations

  • In the case of Multiple Coach implementations
    • We resolved it usung @Qualifier
    • We specified a coach by name
  • Alternate solution available ..
    • Instead of specifying a coach by name using @Qualifier
    • I simply need a coach .. I don’t care which coach
      • If there are multiple coaches
      • Then you coaches figure it out … and tell me who’s the primary coach
    • But when using @Primary, can have only one for multiple implementations
    • If you mark multiple classes with @Primary… umm, we have a problem
package com.luv2code.demo;  
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;  
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;  
@Primary  // 기존의 Coach 클래스에서 Primary annotation 추가해줌.
public class CricketCoach implements Coach{  
    public String getDailyWorkout() {  
        return "Practice fast bowling for 15 min!!@!";  
package com.luv2code.springcoredemo.rest;  
import com.luv2code.demo.Coach;  
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;  
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;  
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;  
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;  
public class DemoController {  
    //define a private field for the dependency  
    private Coach myCoach;  
    //define a constructor for dependency injection  
    public DemoController(//@Qualifier("trackCoach") <- @Primary 때문에 더 이상 필요 없음
						    Coach theCoach){  
        myCoach = theCoach;  
    public String getDailyWorkout(){  
        return myCoach.getDailyWorkout();  

Mixing @Primary and @Qualifier

  • If you mix @Primary and @Qualifier
    • @Qualifier has higher priority
  • @Primary leaves it up to the implementation classes
    • Could have the issue of multiple @Primary classes leading to an error
  • @Qualifier allows to you be very specific on which bean you want
  • In genenral, recommend using @Qualifier
    • More specific
    • Higher priority

@Primary vs @Qualifier - Which one to use?

@Component @Primary  
class QuickSort implements SortingAlgorithm {}  
class BubbleSort implements SortingAlgorithm {}  
@Component @Qualifier("RadixSortQualifier")  
class RadixSort implements SortingAlgorithm {}  
@Component @Primary  
class ComplexAlgorithm  
    private SortingAlgorithm algorithm;  
class AnotherComplexAlgorithm  
    @Autowired @Qualifier("RadixSortQualifier")  
    private SortingAlgorithm iWantToUseRadixSortOnly;
  • @Primary - A bean should given preference when multiple candidates are qualified
  • @Qualifier - A specific bean should be auto-wired (name of the bean can be used as qualifier)
  • ALWAYS think from the perspective of the class using the SortingAlgorithm:
      1. Just @Autowired : Give me (preferred) SortingAlgorithm
      1. @Autowired + @Qualifier : I only want to use specific SortingAlogorithm - RadixSort
    • (REMEMBER) @Qualifier has higher priority then @Primary as text above
