최대 1 분 소요

Autowiring 과 Qualifiers는 무엇인가?


  • Injecting a Coach implementation

  • Spring will scan @Components

  • Any one implements Coach interface??

  • If so, let’s inject them… but.. which one?

Multiple Coach Implementations

  • 다양한 Coach Implementation 이 존재하면 어떻게 될까?

  • 오류발생함 -> 왜냐하면 Spring이 뭘 선택해야할지 모름

Solution: Be specific! - @Qualifer

For Constructor Injection

public class DemoController {

    private Coach myCoach;

    public DemoController(@Qualifier("cricketCoach") Coach theCoach){
        myCoach = theCoach;
} //Coach 앞에 @Qualifier("클래스 이름") 주입.

    public String getDailyWorkout() {
        return myCoach.getDailyWorkout();
  • Specific the bean id: cricketCoach

  • bean id 는 CricketCoach와 같은 이름이면서 소문자 로 시작하면 된다.
  • Other bean ids we could use: baseballCoach, trackCoach, tennisCoach..

For Setter Injection

  • If you are using Setter injection, can also apply @Qualifier annotation

    public class DemoController {
        private Coach myCoach;
        public void setCoach(@Qualifier("cricketCoach") Coach theCoach){
            myCoach = theCoach;
    } //@Qualifier 똑같이 사용
        public String getDailyWorkout() {
            return myCoach.getDailyWorkout();
  • Give bean id : cricketCoach with starting lower-case
  • Other bean ids we could use: baseballCoach, trackCoach, tennisCoach..
