1 분 소요

Our Users

REST API security(2)

User ID Password Roles
john test123 EMPLOYEE
mary test123 EMPLOYEE, MANAGER

Development Process

  1. Create Spring Security Configuration(@Configuration)
  2. Add users, passwords and roles

Step 1: Create Spring Security Configuration

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class DemoSecurityConfig {

	// add our security configurations here ...

Spring Security Password Storage

  • In Spring, passwords are stored using a specific format


ID Description
noop Plain text passwords
bcrypt BCrypt password hashing

Password Example

Step 2: Add users, passwords and roles

  • File: DemoSecurityConfig.java

  • Since we defined our users here…
  • Spring Boot will NOT use the user/pass from the application.properties file

Restric Access Based on Roles


HTTP Method Endpoint CRUD Action Role
GET /api/employees Read all EMPLOYEE
GET /api/employees/{employeeId} Read single EMPLOYEE
POST /api/employees Create MANAGER
PUT /api/employees Update MANAGER
DELETE /api/employees/{employeeId} Delete employee ADMIN

Restricting Access to Roles

  • General Syntax

Authorize Requests for EMPLOYEE role

Authorize Requests for MANAGER role

Authorize Requests for ADMIN role

Pull it Together

Cross-Site Request Forgery(CSRF)

  • Spring Security can protect against CSRF attacks
  • Embed additional authentication data/token into all HTML forms
  • On subsequent requests, web app will verify token bofore processing
  • Primary use case is traditional web applications (HTML forms etc..)

When to use CSRF Protection?

  • The Spring Security team recommends
    • Use CSRF protection for any normal browser web requests
    • Traditional web apps with HTML forms to add/modify data
  • If you are building a REST API for non-browser clients
    • you may want to disable CSRF protection
  • In general, not required for stateless REST APIs
    • That use POST,PUT,DELETE and/or PATCH

Pull it Together

  • Role : ADMIN
  • Test user : susan / test123
  • pass: Get all employees
  • pass: Get single employee
  • pass: Add employee
  • pass: Update employee
  • pass: Delete employee
