최대 1 분 소요

직접 Property 커스텀하기

  • Problem

    • You need for your app to be configurable .. no hard-coding of values

    • You need for to read app configuration from a perperties file

  • Solution: Application Properties file

    • By default, Spring Boot reads information from a standard properties file

      • Located at: src/main/resources/application.properties (Standard Spring Boot file name)
    • You can define ANY custom properties in this file

    • Your Spring Boot app can access properties using @Value (No additional coing or configuration required)

Development Process

  1. Define custom properties in application.properties

  2. Inject properties into Spring Boot application using @Value

Step 1: Define custom application properties

File: src/main/resources/application.properties

# Define custom properties

coach.name = Mickey Mouse
tean.name = The Mouse Club

Step 2: Inject properties into Spring Boot app

public class FunrestController {
    // inject properties for: coach.name and team.name

    private String coachName;

    private String teamName;
    // 위에 있던 속성 주


출처 : 유데미, luv2code.com
