최대 1 분 소요

Starting Spring Framework (2)

/ Application Context / Bean Factory /

  1. Spring Container vs Spring Context vs IOC container vs Application Context

What is Spring container?

  • Spring Container : Manages Spring beans & their lifecycle
  • 1: Bean Factory : Basic Spring Container
  • 2: Application Context : Advanced Spring Container with enterprise-specific features
    • Easy to use in web applications
    • Easy internationalization
    • Easy integration with Spring AOP
  • Which one to use? : Most enterprise applications use Application Context
    • Recommended for web applications, web services - REST API and microservices

Spring Container vs Spring Context vs IOC container vs Application Context

  • They are referring to the same thing.
  • They are referring to the thing which takes your classes and input and creates a running system.
  • And when we are talking about spring containers or spring IOC containers, there are two popular types of IOC containers.
