최대 1 분 소요

Filed Injection

  • 추천되지 않는 injection
  • 유닛테스트하기 힘들다.
  • 옛날버전 레거시에서 많이 볼 수 있음


  • Field Injection is no longer cool

    • In the early days, field injection was popular on Spring projects

      • In recent years, it has fallen out of favor
    • In general, it makes the code harder to unit test

    • As a result, the spring.io team does not recommend field injection

      • However, you will still see it being used on legacy projects

Step 1: Configure the dependency injection with Autowired Annotation

File: DemoController.java

public class DemoController {

    private Coach myCoach; //(Field injection)

    // No need for constructor or setters

    public String getDailyWorkout() {
        return myCoach.getDailyWorkout();

