[Spring] IoC 가 그래서 뭐지?
What is IOC?
Well, it’s simply the design process of externalizing the construction and management of your objects.
So in a nutshell, it basically says that your application is gonna outsource the creation and management of the objects, and that outsourcing will be handled by a object factory.
And that’s the big idea of Inversion of Control.
요약 하자면 IoC 는 디자인 프로세서고 변경이 자유롭다.
Spring Container
Primary functions
Create and manage objects (Inversion of Control)
Inject object dependencies(Dependency Injection)
Cofiguring Spring Container
XML configuration file (legacy)
Java Annotations (modern)
Java Source Code (modern)
Dependency Injection
The dependency inversion principle
The client delegates to another object
- The responsibility of providing its dependencies
Dependency inversion Injection
그림으로 설명하면 이런 개념이다. 내가 직접 자동차를 생산하지는 않는다.
You just outsorcethe construction and injection of your object to an external entity. In this case, That’s the car factory. They inject the engine, tires and so on for you. You don’t have to build the car.
Demo Example
Coach will provide daily workouts
The DemoController wants to use a Coach
New helper: Coach
This is a dependency
Need to inject this dependency
Injection Types
There are multiple types of injection with Spring
You will cover the two recommended types of injection
Constructor Injection
Setter Injection
Which one to use?
Constructor Injection
Use this when you have required dependencies
Generally recommended by the spring.io development team as first choice
Setter Injection
Use this when you have optional dependencies
If dependency is not provided, your app can provide reasonable default logic
What is Spring AutoWiring
For dependency injection, Spring can use autowiring
Spring will look for a class that matches
- matches by type : class or interface
Spring will inject it automatically .. hence it is autowired
Autowiring Example
Injecting a Coach implementation
Spring will scan for @Components
Any one implements the Coach interface??
If so, let’s inject them. For example: Cricket Coach
Example Application
Development Process - Constructor Injection
Define the dependency interface and class
Create Demo REST Controller
Create a constructor in your class for injections
Add @GetMapping for /dailyworkout
Step 1: Define the dependency interface and class
File: Coach.java
package com.luv2code.springcoredemo;
public interface Coach {
String getDailyWorkout();
File: CricketCoach.java
package com.luv2code.springcoredemo;
import org.springframework.sterotype.Component;
@Component // <- marks as a Spring Bean
public class CricketCoach implements Coach {
public String getDailyWorkout() {
return "Practice fast bowling for 15 min";
@Component annotation
@Component annotation marks the class as Spring Bean
- A Spring bean is just a regular Java class that is managed by Spring
@Component also makes the bean available for dependency injection
Step 2: Create Demo REST Controller
File: DemoController.java
package com.luv2code.springcoredemo;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class DemoController {
Step 3: Create a constructor in your class for injections
File: DemoController.java
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class DemoController {
private Coach myCoach;
public DemoController (Coach theCoach) {
myCoach = theCoach;
@Autowired annotation tells Spring to inject a dependency
if you only have one constructor then @Autowired on constructor is optional
Step 4: Add @GetMapping for /dailyworkout
File: DemoController.java
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
public class DemoController {
private Coach myCoach;
public DemoController (Coach theCoach) {
myCoach = theCoach;
public String getDailyWorkout() {
return myCoach.getDailyWorkout();
참고로 no usages 는 무시해도 된다.
왜냐하면 스프링 내부에서 알아서 돌아가는데 IDE는 인식하지 못하는 경우가 있다.
이런 경우에는 무시하면 된다.
출처 유데미 & https://www.baeldung.com/inversion-control-and-dependency-injection-in-spring