1 분 소요

Java JSON Data BindingPermalink


  • Data binding is the process of converting JSON data to a Java POJO
  • mapping, sterilization 뭐 다 같은 말임
  • Java POJO is just plain old Java object

JSON Data Binding with JacksonPermalink

  • Spring uses the Jackson Project behind the scenes
  • Jackson handles data binding between JSON and Java POJO
    • Spring Boot Starter Web automatically includes dependency for Jackson
  • Details on Jackson Project:
    • https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-databind

Jackson Data BindingPermalink

  • By default, Jackson will call appropriate getter/setter method
    • The important thing is that it’ll actually use the getter and setter methods for handing some of this processing

JSON to Java POJOPermalink

  • Convert JSON to Java POJO … call setter methods on POJO

  • Note: Jackson calls the setXXX methods
  • It does NOT access internal private fields directly

Java POJO to JSONPermalink

  • Now let’s go the other direction
  • Convert Java POJO to JSON … call getter methods on POJO

Spring and Jackson SupportPermalink

  • When building Spring REST applications
  • Spring will automatically handle Jackson Integration
  • JSON data being passed to REST controller is converted to POJO
  • Java object being returned from REST controller is converted to JSON

Happens automatically behind scenes

Spring REST Service - StudentsPermalink

  • Return a list of students

    GET -> /api/students -> Returns a list of students

Behind the scenesPermalink

Development ProcessPermalink

  1. Create Java POJO class for Student
  2. Create Spring REST Service using @RestController

Step 1: Create Java POJO class for StudentPermalink

  • Fields / Constructors / Getter/Setters

Step 2: Create @RestControllerPermalink

Convert Java POJO to JSONPermalink

  • Our REST Service will return List<Student>
  • Need to convert List<Student> to JSON
  • Jackson can help up out with this…

Spring Boot and Jackson SupportPermalink

  • Spring Boot will automatically handle Jackson integration
    • Happens automatically behind the scenes
  • JSON data being passed to REST controller is converted to Java POJO
  • Java POJO being returned from REST controller is converted to JSON
    • Spring Boot Starter Web automatically includes dependency for Jackson

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