2 분 소요

Lazy Initialization 은 뭐지?


  • By default, when your application starts, all beans are initialized
    • @Component, etc..
  • Spring will create an instance of each and make them available

Diagnostics: Add println to constructors

public class CricketCoach implements Coach{
	public CricketCoach(){
		"In constructor: " + getClass().getSimpleName()

public class BaseballCoach implements Coach{
	public BaseballCoach(){
		"In constructor: " + getClass().getSimpleName()


When we start the application

In constructor : CricketCoach In constructor : BaseballCoach In constructor : TennisCoach In constructor : TrackCoach -> By default, when your application starts, all beans are initialized. Spring will create instance of each and make them available. —

Lazy Initialization

  • Instead of creating all beans up front, we can specify lazy initialization
  • A been will only be initialized in the following cases:
    • It is needed for dependency injection
    • Or it is explicitly requested
  • Add the @Lazy annotation to a given class

Lazy Initialization with @Lazy

public class TrackCoach implements Coach {
	public TrackCoach() {
		System.out.println("In constructor: " + getClass().getSimpleName()
  • Bean is only initialized if needed for dependency injection
public class DemoController {
	private Coach myCoach;

	public DemoController(@Qualifier("cricketCoach") Coach theCoach){
		myCoach = theCoach;
  • Inject cricketCoach
In constructor : CricketCoach
In constructor : BaseballCoach
In constructor : TennisCoach
  • Since we are NOT injecting TrackCoach .. it’s not initialized

  • To configure other beans for Lazy initialization
    • We could need to add @Lazy to each class
  • Turns into tedious work for a large number of classes
  • I wish we could set a global configuration property.. –> The answer is YES

Lazy Initialization - Global configuration

File: application.properties

  • All beans are lazy…
  • No beans are created until needed, Including our DemoController
  • Once we access REST endpoint/dailywork
  • Spring will determine dependencies for DemoController
  • For dependency resolution, Spring creates instance of CricketCoach first…
  • Then creates instance of DemoController and injects the CricketCoach

So Lazy?

  • Advantages
    • Only create objects as needed
    • May help with faster startup time if you have large number of components
  • Disadvantages
    • If you have web related components like @RestController, not created until requested
    • May not discover configuration issues until too late
    • Need to make sure you have enough memory for all beans once created
  • Lazy initialization feature is disabled by defualt
  • You should profile your application before configuring lazy initiailiation.
  • Avoid the common pitfall of premature optimization

출처 : luv2code.com
