[Spring] PostConstruct and PreDestroy
PostConstruct and PreDestroy
/ PreDestroy / PostConstruct /
import jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct;
import jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.util.Arrays;
class SomeClass {
private SomeDependency someDependency;
public SomeClass(SomeDependency someDependency){
this.someDependency = someDependency;
System.out.println("All dependencies are ready");
public void initialize(){
public void cleanup(){
class SomeDependency {
public void getReady(){
System.out.println("Some logic using SomeDependency");
public class PrePostAnnotationsContextLauncherApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var context =
new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(PrePostAnnotationsContextLauncherApplication.class)) {
- @PostConstruct
- 객체의 초기화 부분
- Bean이 여러번 초기화 되는 것을 방지
- 객체가 생성된 후 별도의 초기화 작업을 위해 실행하는 메소드를 선언
- WAS가 뜰 깨 bean이 생성된 다음 딱 한 번만 실행됨
- Identifies the method that will be executed after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization
- @PreDestroy
- 마지막 소멸 단계
- 스프링 컨테이너에서 객체(빈)을 제거하기 전에 해야할 작업이 있다면 메소드 위에 사용하는 어노테이션
- bean 제거하기 직전 한 번만 실행됨
- Identifies the method that will receive the callback notification to signal that the instance is in the process of being removed by the container.
- Typically used to release resources that it has been holding.
- 개념만 이해했을 뿐 실제로 써보기 전 까지는 정확히 어떤 느낌인지 아직은 모르겠다. 태그 Bean Lifecycle 참고
참고 https://wonsjung.tistory.com/m/392, https://wecandev.tistory.com/105 , https://wildeveloperetrain.tistory.com/221