1 분 소요

Building REST API with Spring Boot (1)

/ REST API with Spring Boot /

Building REST API with Spring Boot - Goals

  • Why Spring Boot?
    • You can build REST API without Spring Boot
    • What is the need for Spring Boot?
  • HOW to build a great REST API?
    • Identifying Resources (/users, /users/{id}/posts)
    • Identifying Actions (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,…)
    • Defining Request and Response structures
    • Using appropriate Response Status (200, 404, 500…)
    • Understanding REST API Best Practices
      • Thinking from the perspective of your consumer
      • Validation, Internationalization - i18n, Exception Handling, HATEOAS, Versioning, Documentation, Content Negotiation and a lot more!

Building REST API with Spring Boot - Approach

    1. Build 3 SImple Hello World REST API
      • Understand the magic of Spring Boot
      • Understand fundamentals of building REST API with Spring Boot
      • @RestController, @RequestMapping, @PathVariable, JSON conversion
    1. Build a REST API for a Social Media Application
      • Design and Build a Great REST API
      • Choosing the right URI for resources(/users, /users/{id},/users/{id}/posts)
      • Choosing the right request method for actions (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE,…)
      • Designing Request and Response structures
      • Implementing Security, Validation and Exception Handling - Build Advanced REST API Features
      • Internationalization, HATEOAS, Versioning, Documentation, Content Negotiation, ..
    1. Connect your REST API to a Database
      • Fundamentals of JPA and Hibernate
      • Use H2 and MySQL as database
