최대 1 분 소요

세터 인젝션이란?

  • 세터 매서드로 dependencies 주입

Aturowiring Example

  • Inejecting a Coach implementation

  • Spring will scan for @Components

  • Any one implements the Coach imterface??

  • If so, let’s inject them. For example: CricketCoach

Development Process - Setter Injection

  1. Create setter method(s) in your class for injections

  2. Configure the dependency injection with @Autowired Annotation

Step 1: Create setter method(s) in your class for injections

File: DemoController.java

public class DemoController {

    private Coach myCoach;

    public void setCoach(Coach theCoach){

        myCoach = theCoach;

Step 2: Configure the dependency injection with Autowired Annotation

File: DemoController.java

public class DemoController {

File: DemoController.java

public class DemoController {

    private Coach myCoach;

    public void setCoach(Coach theCoach){

        myCoach = theCoach;

Injection Types - Which one to use?

  • Constructor Injection

    • Use this when you have required dependencies

    • Generally recommended by the spring.in development team as first choice

  • Setter Injection

    • Use this when you have optional dependencies

    • If dependency is not provided, your app can provide reasonable default logic
