2 분 소요

Spring Actuator

/ Actuator /

  • Monitor and manage your application in your production
  • Provides a number of endpoints:
    • beans - Complete list of Spring beans in your app
    • health - Application health information
    • metrics - Application metrics
    • mappings - Details around Request Mappings


  • How can I monitor and manage my application?
  • How can I check the application health?
  • How can I access application metrics?

Solution : Spring Boot Actuator

  • Exposes endpoints to monitor and manage your application
  • You easily get DevOps functionality out of the box
  • Simply add the dependency to your POM file
  • REST endpoints are automatically added to your application (No need to write additional code!) (You get new REST endpoints for FREE!)

  • Adding the dependency to your POM file
  • Automatically exposes endpoints for metrics out of the box
  • Endpoints are prefixed with : /actuator

Health Endpoint

  • /health checks the status of your application
  • Normally used by monitoring apps to see if your app is up or down
  • (Health status is customizable based on your own business logic)

Exposing Endpoints

  • By default, only /health is exposed
  • The /info endpoint can provide information about your application
  • To expose /info
File: src/main/resources/application.properties


  • By default, only /health is exposed
  • To expose all actuator endpoints over HTTP
File: src/main/resources/application.properties

# Use wildcard "*" to expose all endpoints
# Can also expose individual endpoints with 
# a comma-delimited list

management.endpoints.web.exposure.include= *

Info Endpoint

  • /info gives information about your application
  • Default is empty

  • Update application.properties with your app info
File: src/main/resources/application.properties

info.app.name = ***My Super Cool App***
info.app.description =***A crazy and fun app, Yeah!***
info.app.version = ***1.0.0***

-> Properties starting with “info.” will be used by /info

Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints

  • There are 10+ Spring Boot Actuator endpoints

Get A List of Beans

  • Access http://localhost:8080/actuator/beans ->
  • 당연히 security도 추가 해야함

Development Process

  1. Edit pom.xml and add spring-boot-starter-acuator
  2. View actuator endpoints for: /health
  3. Edit application.properties to customize /info

# Use wildcard "*" to expose all endpoints
# Can also expose individual endpoints with a comma-delimited list


info.app.name= My Super Cool App
info.app.description = A crazy fun app, YEAH!!
info,app.version= 1.0.0 


List of Actuator

  • actuator/beans -> 등록된 bean 확인
  • actuator/threaddump-> 모든 스레드 확인 , 병목현상 및 퍼포먼스 확인
  • actuator/mapping,,etc..

What about Security?

  • You may NOT want to expose all of this information
  • Add Spring Security to project and endpoints are secured

Secured Endpoints

  • Now when you access: /actuator/beans
  • Spring Security will prompt for login

Spring Security configuration

  • You can override default user name and generated password

    File: src/main/resources/application.properties
    spring.security.user.name = yohan
    spring.security.user.password = 1234

Customizing Spring Security

  • You can customize Spring Security for Spring Boot Actuator
    • Use a database for roles, encrypted password etc..

Excluding Endpoints

  • To exclude /health and /info

    File: src/main/resources/application.properties

Development Process

  1. Edit pom.xml and add spring-boot-starter-security
  2. Verify security on actuator endpoints for: /beans etc
  3. Disable endpoints for /health and /info

dependency 추가

  • pom.xml 에 dependency를 추가하면 login을 해야 정보를 볼 수 있다.
  • 비밀번호는 콘솔창에 자동으로 생성되지만 바꿔줄 수 있다.

  • 하지만 여전히 info, health 는 로그인 없이 정보 확인 가능하다.


  • resoucre 부분의 properties에서 이전에 했던 include에서 exclude에 원하는 엔드포인트를 추가해주면 된다

  • 빠밤!

출처 유데미, https://incheol-jung.gitbook.io/docs/study/srping-in-action-5th/chap-16.
