[Spring] Spring Boot DevTools? 인텔리제이 커뮤니티버전 DevTools 설정방법
The problem
- When running Spring Boot applications
- If you make changes to your source code
- Then you have to manually restart your application
Solution: Spring Boot Dev Tools
- Spring-boot-devtools to the rescue!
- Automatically restart your application when code is updated
- Simply add the dependency to your POM file
- No need to write additional code
- For IntelliJ, need to set additional configurations
Spring Boot DevTools
- Adding the dependency to your POM file
- 근데 IntelliJ 무료 버전은 DevTools 기본으로 제공 안해줌..
- Mac 은 Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler
- Window 는 File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler
- Check box: Build project automatically
- Additional setting
- Select: Preferences -> Advanced Settings
- Check box : Allow auto-make-to ..
이렇게 2개 체크하고 밑에 코드 pom.xml에 추가해 주면 끝 (새로고침 잊지말기)
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