1 분 소요

Maven 이란?

대세 + 장단점 모두 Gradle이 좋으며 점점 Gradle로 넘어가고 있다고 한다. 대부분 추세는 Gradle 현재 배우고 있는 것들이 대부분 간단해서 Maven으로 진행된다

  • Maven
  • Familiar, Simple and Restrictive
  • If your builds are simple, stick with Maven
  • Gradle
  • Faster build times and less verbose
  • If your builds are taking really long, go with Gradle

작동 방식은 Maven을 이용해서 구성 파일을 먼저 읽은 다음 컴퓨터에 있는 Maven Local Repository를 확인한다. Local Repository에 파일이 없으면 Maven은 인터넷에서 파일을 가져온다. Dependency 라던가 클래스 경로등 알아서 처리해준다.

심부름꾼 비슷하다.

Maven Key Concepts

  • POM file - pom.xml

  • Project Coordinates

POM file - pom.xml

  • Project Object Model file - 프로젝트 객체 모델 파일

  • Configuration file for the project - Basically the “shopping list” for Maven






<!-- add plugins for customization -->
// JUnit test repots etc..

Project Coordinates

  • Project Coordinates uniquely identify a project

  • Similar to GPS coordinates for your house: latitude / longtitude

  • Precise information for finding your house (city, street, house #)

      <groupId>com.mycompany.app</groupId>  --> City
      <artifactId>my-app</artifactId> --> Street
      <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> --> House Number

Project Coordinates - Elements

Group ID -> Name of company, group, or organization                     Convention is to use reverse domain name: com.mycompany.app

Artifact ID -> Name for this project : my-app

Version -> A specific release version like : 1.0 , 1.6 ….

                    if project is under active development then : 1.0 - snapshot

Example of project coordinates

  <groupId>com.mycompany.app</groupId>  --> City
  <artifactId>my-app</artifactId> --> Street
  <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> --> House Number

  <groupId>org.springframework</groupId>  --> City
  <artifactId>spring-context</artifactId> --> Street
  <version>6.0.0</version> --> House Number

  <groupId>org.hibernate.com</groupId>  --> City
  <artifactId>hibernate-core</artifactId> --> Street
  <version>6.1.4.Final</version> --> House Number

Adding Dependencies







Dependency Coordinates

  • To add given dependency project, You need

    • Group ID, Articat ID

    • Version is optional …

      • Best practice is to include the version( repeatable builds ) -devops-
  • May see this referred to as GAV:

    • Group ID, Artifact ID and Version

How to find dependency coordinates

  • Option 1 : Visit the project page ( spring.io , hibernate.org etc )

  • Option 2 : Visit http:// search.maven.org( easiest approach )

  • 현실적으로 Option 2 가 적절함
