1 분 소요

스프링 부트 Properties 간략히 보기

  • 서버 포트 및 설정

Spring Boot Properties

  • Spring Boot can be configured in the application.properties file
  • Server port, context path, actuator, security etc
  • Spring Boot has 1,000 + properties…
  • The properties are roughly grouped into the following categories
    • Core
    • Web
    • Security
    • Data
    • Actuator
    • Integration
    • DevTools
    • Testing

Core Properties

File: src/main/resources/application.properties

# Log levels severity mapping

//Set logging levels based on package names

# Log file name
logging.file = my-crazy-stuff.log

Web Properties

File: src/main/resources/application.properties

# HTTP server port
server.port = 7070

# Context path of the application

// ex) -> http://localhost:7070/my-silly-app/forture

# Default HTTP session time out
server.servlet.session.timeout = 15m

// Default timeout 30 minutes

Actuator Properties

File: src/main/resources/application.properties

# Endpoints to include by name or wildcard

# Endpoints to exclude by name or wildcard

# Base path for actuator endpoints

// -> http://localhost:7070/actuator/health

Security Properties

File: src/main/resources/application.properties

# Default user name
spring.security.user.name = admin

# Password for default user
spring.securtiy.user.password = topsecret

Data Properties

File: src/main/resources/application.properties

# JDBC URL of the database
spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ecommerce

# Login username of the database
spring.datasource.username = scott

# Login password of the database
spring.datasource.password = tiger

Development Process

  1. Cofigure the server port
  2. Configure the application context path

Step 1: Cofigure the server port

Step 2: Configure the application context path

출처 : 유데미, luv2code.com
