1 분 소요


REST API security(1)

  • Secure Spring Boot REST APIs
  • Define users and roles
  • Protect URLs based on role
  • Store users, passwords and roles in DB (plain-text -> encrypted)

Practical Results

  • Cover the most common Spring Security tasks that you will need on daily projects
  • Not an A to Z reference … for that you can see Spring Security Reference Manual

Spring Security Model

  • Spring Security defines a framework for security
  • Implemented using Servlet filters in the background
  • Two methods of securing an app : declarative and programmatic

Spring Security with Servlet Filters

  • Servlet Filters are used to pre-process / post-process web requests
  • Servlet Filters can route web requests based on security logic
  • Spring provides a bulk of security functionality with servlet filters

Spring Security Overview

Spring Security in Action

Security Concepts

  • Authentication
    • Check user id and password with credentials stored in app / db
  • Authorization
    • Check to see if user has an authorized role

Declarative Security

  • Define application’s security constraints in configuration
    • All Java config: @Configuration
  • Provides separation of concerns between application code and security

Programmatic Security

  • Spring Security provides an API for custom application coding
  • Provides greater customization for specific app requirements

Enabling Spring Security

  1. Edit pom.xml and add spring-boot-starter-security
  2. This will automagically secure all endpoints for application

Secured Endpoints

  • Now when you access your application
  • Spring Security will prompt for login

    Default user name : user Password : Check console logs for it

Spring Security configuration

  • You can override default user name and generated password
    File : src/main/resources/application.properties

Authentication and Authorization

  • In-memory
  • JDBC
  • LDAP
  • Custom / Pluggable
  • others…

Enable Spring Security

Add Maven dependency : spring-boot-starter-security

  • By adding the security dependency
  • Spring Boot will automagically secure all endpoints for application

Override default username and password
