최대 1 분 소요

Basic code


@RestController <- Adds REST support
public class DemoResetController {

	@GetMapping("/hello") <-Access the REST endpoint at /test/hello
	public String sayHello(){
		return "Hello World"; <- Returns content to client

Web Browser vs Postman

  • For simple REST testing for GET requests
    • Web Browser and Postman are similar
  • However, for advanced REST testing: POST, PUT etc…
    • Postman has much better support
    • POSTing JSON data, setting content type
    • Passing HTTP request headers, authentication etc…

Development Process

  1. Add Maven dependency for Spring Boot Starter Web
  2. Create Spring REST Service using @RestController

Step 1: Add Maven Dependency

File: pom.xml
<!-- Add Spring Boot Starter Web -->
// At Spring Initializr website,
// Can also select the "Web" dependency

Step 2: Create Spring REST Service

public class DemoRestController {  
    // add code for the "/hello" endpoint  
    @GetMapping("/hello")  <- Handles HTTP GET requests
    public String sayHello(){  
        return "Hello World";  

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