최대 1 분 소요



  • Most common use of REST is over HTTP
  • Leverage HTTP methods for CRUD operations
HTTP Method CRUD Operation
POST Create a new entity
GET Read a list of entities or single entity
PUT Update an existing entity
DELETE Delete an existing entity

HTTP Request Message

  • Request line: the HTTP command
  • Header variables: request metadata
  • Message body: contents of message

HTTP Response Message

  • Response line: server protocol and status code
  • Header variables: response metadata
  • Message body: contents of message

HTTP Response - Status Codes

| Code Range | Description | | ———- | ————- | | 100-199 | Informational | | 200-299 | Successful | | 300-399 | Redirection | | 400-499 | Client error | | 500-599 | Server error |

  • 401 Authentication Required
  • 404 File Not Found
  • 500 Internal Server Error

MIME Content Types

  • The message format is described by MIME content type
    • Multipurpose Internet Mail-Extention
  • Basic Syntax: type/sub-type
  • Examples
    • text/html, text/plain
    • application/json, application/xml, …

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