2 분 소요

Spring Data REST


Spring Data JPA

  • Earlier, We saw the magic of Spring Data JPA
  • This helped to eliminate boilerplate code

Can this apply to REST APIs?

The Problem

  • We saw how to create a REST API for Employee
  • Need to create REST API for another entity?
    • Customer, Student, Product, Book..
  • Do we have to repeat all of the same code again?


  • Create a REST API for me
  • Use my existing JpaRepository (entity,primary key)
  • Give me all of the basic REST API CRUD features for free

Spring Data REST - Solution

  • Spring Data REST is the solution
  • Leverages your existing JpaRepository
  • Spring will give you a REST CRUD implementation for FREE
    • Helps to minimize boiler-plate REST code
    • No new coding required


  • Spring Data REST will expose these endpoints for free
HTTP Method   CRUD Action
POST /employees Create a new employee
GET /employees Read a list of employees
GET /employees/{employeeId} Read a single employee
PUT /employees/{employeeId} Update an existing employee
DELETE /employees/{employeeId} Delete an existing employee

Get these REST endpoints for free

Spring Data REST - How Does It Work?

  • Spring Data REST will scan your project for JpaRepository
  • Expose REST APIs for each entity type for your JpaRepository
public interface EmployeeRepository extends JpaRepository<Employee, Integer> {


REST Endpoints

  • By default, Spring Data REST will create endpoints based on entity type
  • Simple pluralized form
    • First character of Entity type is lowercase
    • Then just adds an “s” to the entity
public interface EmployeeRepository extends JpaRepository<Employee, Integer>{


Development Process

  1. Add spring Data REST to your Mavern POM file
    • That’s it
    • Absolutely NO CODING required

Step 1: Add Spring Data REST to POM file


Spring Data REST will scan for JPARepository

In A Nutshell

For Spring Data REST, you only need 3 items

  1. Your entity : Employee
  2. JpaRepository : EmployeeRepository extends JpaRepository (We already have these two)
  3. Maven POM dependency for: spring-boot-starter-data-rest (Only item that is new)

Application Architecture

Minimized Boilerplate Code

  • Before Spring Data RREST
    • RESST controller
    • employee service
    • service implementation

      about 3 files and a hundred puls lines of code

  • After Spring Data REST
    • NO coding required
    • Just give a Maven POM entry
    • Spring Data REST will scan for those repositories
    • Automatically expose those endpoints for free


  • Spring Data REST endpoints are HATEOAS compliant
    • HATEOAS: Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State
  • Hypermedia-driven sites provide information to access REST interfaces
    • Think of it as meta-data for REST data
  • Spring Data REST response using HATEOAS
  • For example REST response from : GET / employees / 3
  • Then it’ll return the JSON data as a response
  • For a collection, meta-data includes page size, total elements, pages etc
  • For example REST response from: GET / employees
  • 133pic 07..IFIW

Advanced Features

  • Spring Data REST advanced features
    • Pagination, sorting and searching
    • Extending and adding custom queries with JPQL
    • Query Domain Specific Language(Query DSL)
