1 분 소요

Spring -Framework,Modules and Projects

/ IOC /

Spring core : IOC Container, Dependency Injection, Auto Wiring, …

  • These are the fundamental building blocks to:
    • Building web applications
    • Creating REST API
    • Implementing authentication and autorization
    • Talking to a database
    • Integrating with other systems
    • Writing great unit tests
  • Let’s now get a Spring Big Picture:
    • Spring Framework
    • Spring Modules
    • Spring Projects

Spring Framework contains multiple Spring Modules:

    • Fundamental Features : Core (IOC Container, Dependency Injection, Auto Wiring, …)
    • Web: Spring MVC etc (Web applications, REST API)
    • Web Reactive : Spring WebFlux etc
    • Data Access : JDBC, JPA etc
    • Integration : JMS etc
    • Testing : Mock Objects, Spring MVC Test etc
  • No Dumb Question : Why is Spring Framework divided into Modules?
    • Each application can choose modules they want to make use of
    • They do not need to make use of everything in Spring framework!

Spring Projects

  • Application architectures evolve continuously
    • Web > REST API > Microservices > Colud > …
  • Spring evolves through Spring Projects:
    • First Project : Spring Framework
    • Spring Security : Secure your web application or REST API or microservice
    • Spring Data : Integrate the same way with different types of databases : NoSQL and Relational
    • Spring Integration : Address Challenges with integration with other applications
    • Spring Boot : Popular framework to build microservices
    • Spring Cloud : Build cloud native applications
  • Hierachy : Spring Projects > Spring Framework > Spring Modules
  • Why is Spring Eco system popular?
    • Loose Coupling : Spring manages creation and wiring of beans and dependencies
      • Make it easy to build loosely coupled applications
      • Make writing unit tests easy! (Spring Unit Testing)
    • Reduced Boilerplate code : Focus on Business Logic
      • Example : No need for exception handling in each method!
        • All checked exceptions are converted to Runtime or Unchecked Exceptions
      • Archtiectural Flexibility : Spring Modules and Projects
        • You can pick and choose which ones to use (You DON’T need to use all of them!)
      • Evolution with Time : Microservices and Cloud
        • Spring Boot, Spring Cloud etc!
