8 분 소요

Spring REST API Design


  • For real-time projects, who will use your API?
  • Also, how will they use your API?
  • Design the API based on requirements

API Design Process

  1. Review API requirements
  2. Identify main resource / entity
  3. Use HTTP methods to assign action on resource

API Reqirements

  • Create a REST API for the Employee Directory
  • REST Clients should be abot to
    • Get a list of employees
    • Get a single employee by id
    • Add a new employee
    • Update an employee
    • Delete an employee

Step 1: Identify main resource / entity

  • To identify main resource / entity, look for the most prominent “noun”
  • For our project, it is “employee”
  • Convention is to use plural form of resource / entity: employees

Step 2: Use HTTP methods to assign action on resource

HTTP Method CRUD Action
POST Create a new entity
GET Read a list of entities or single entity
PUT Update an existing entity
DELETE Delete an existing entity

Employee Real-Time Project

HTTP Method Endpoint CRUD Action
POST /api/employees Create a new employee
GET /api/employees Read a list of employees
GET /api/employees/{employeeId} Read a single employee
PUT /api/employees Update an existing employee
DELETE /api/employees/{employeeId} Delete an existing employee


  • DO NOT DO THIS .. these are REST anti-patterns, bad practice
    • /api/employeeList
    • /api/deleteEmployee
    • /api/addEmployee
    • /api/updateEmployee
  • Don’t include actions in the endpoint

    Instead, use HTTP methods to assign actions

Development Process

  1. Set up Database Dev Environment
  2. Create Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr
  3. Get list of employees
  4. Get single employee by ID
  5. Add a new employee
  6. Update an existing employee
  7. Delete an existing employee

Application Architecture



  1. Set up Database Dev Environment
  2. Create Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr
  3. –Get list of employees–
  4. Get single employee by ID
  5. Add a new employee
  6. Update an existing employee
  7. Delete an existing employee

DAO Impl

Get a list of employees

Step-by-step (1)

  1. –Update db configs in application.properties–
  2. –Create Employee entity–
  3. Create DAO interface
  4. Create DAO implementation
  5. Create REST controller to use DAO

Update db configs in application.properties

Create Employee entity

package com.luv2code.springboot.cruddemo.entity;  
import jakarta.persistence.*;  
public class Employee {  
    // define fields  
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)  
    @Column(name = "id")  
    private int id;  
    @Column(name = "first_Name")  
    private String firstName;  
    @Column(name = "last_Name")  
    private String lastName;  
    @Column(name = "email")  
    private String email;  
    // define constructors  
    public Employee(){  
    public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, String email) {  
        this.firstName = firstName;  
        this.lastName = lastName;  
        this.email = email;  
        // id 는 자동생성
    // define getter/setter  
    public int getId() {  
        return id;  
    public void setId(int id) {  
        this.id = id;  
    public String getFirstName() {  
        return firstName;  
    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {  
        this.firstName = firstName;  
    public String getLastName() {  
        return lastName;  
    public void setLastName(String lastName) {  
        this.lastName = lastName;  
    public String getEmail() {  
        return email;  
    public void setEmail(String email) {  
        this.email = email;  
    // define toString  
    public String toString() {  
        return "Employee{" +  
                "id=" + id +  
                ", firstName='" + firstName + '\'' +  
                ", lastName='" + lastName + '\'' +  
                ", email='" + email + '\'' +  

Step-by-step (2)


  1. Update db configs in application.properties
  2. Create Employee entity
  3. –Create DAO interface–
  4. –Create DAO implementation–
  5. –Create REST controller to use DAO–

Create DAO interface

public interface EmployeeDAO {  
    List<Employee> findAll();

Create DAO implementation

package com.luv2code.springboot.cruddemo.dao;  
import com.luv2code.springboot.cruddemo.entity.Employee;  
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManager;  
import jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery;  
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;  
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;  
import java.util.List;  
public class EmployeeDAOJpaImpl implements EmployeeDAO{ <-Same interface for consistent API
    // define field for entitymanager  
    private EntityManager entityManager;  
    // set up constructor injection  
    public EmployeeDAOJpaImpl(EntityManager theEntityManager) <- Constructor injection , Automatically created by Spring Boot
        entityManager = theEntityManager;  
    public List<Employee> findAll() {  
        // create a query  
        TypedQuery<Employee> theQuery = entityManager.createQuery(
        "from Employee" <- JPQL , Employee.class);  
        // execute query and get result list  
        List<Employee> employees 
        = theQuery.getResultList(); <-Using Standard JPA API
        // return the results  
        return employees;  

Create REST controller to use DAO

package com.luv2code.springboot.cruddemo.rest;  
import com.luv2code.springboot.cruddemo.entity.Employee;  
import com.luv2code.springboot.cruddemo.service.EmployeeService;  
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;  
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;  
import java.util.List;  
public class EmployeeRestController {  
    private EmployeeService employeeService;  
    // quick and dirty: inject employee dao (use constructor injection)    @Autowired  
    public EmployeeRestController(EmployeeService theEmployeeService) {  
        employeeService = theEmployeeService;  
    // expose "/employee" and return a list of employees  
    public List<Employee> findAll() {  
        return employeeService.findAll();  

Define Services with @Service


Refactor: Add a Service Layer

Purpose of Service Layer

  • Service Facade design pattern
  • Intermediate layer for custom business logic
  • Integrate data from multiple sources (DAO/repositories)

Integrate Multiple Data Sources

Specialized Annotation for Services

  • Spring provides the @Service annotation
  • @Service applied to Service implementations
  • Spring will automatically register the Service implementation
    • Good component-scanning :)

Employee Service

  1. Define Service interface
  2. Define Service implementation
    • Inject the EmployeeDAO

Step 1: Define Service interface

public interface EmployeeService{
	List<Employee> findAll();

Step 2: Define Service implementation

@Service <- enables component scanning
public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements EmployeeService{
	//inject EmployeeDAO...
	public List<Employee>findAll(){
		return employeeDAO.findAll();


public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements EmployeeService {  
    private EmployeeDAO employeeDAO;  
    public EmployeeServiceImpl (EmployeeDAO theEmployeeDAO) {  
        employeeDAO = theEmployeeDAO;  
    public List<Employee> findAll() {  
        return employeeDAO.findAll();  
public class EmployeeRestController {  
    // Refactor  
    // private EmployeeDAO employeeDAO; 
    private EmployeeService employeeService;   
    // quick and dirty: inject employee dao (use constructor injection)
    public EmployeeRestController(EmployeeService theEmployeeService) {  
        employeeService = theEmployeeService;  
    // expose "/employee" and return a list of employees  
    public List<Employee> findAll() {  
	    // Refactor
	    // return employeeDAO.findAll();
        return employeeService.findAll();  


Service Layer - Best Practice


  • Best practice is to apply transactional boundaries at the service layer
  • It is the service layer’s responsibilty boundaries at the service layer
  • For implementation code
    • Apply @Transactional on service methods
    • Remove @Transactional on DAO methods if they already exist


  1. Set up Database Dev Environment
  2. Create Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr
  3. Get list of employees
  4. –Get single employee by ID–
  5. Add a new employee
  6. Update an existing employee
  7. Delete an existing employee

DAO: Get a single employee

public Employee findById(int theId) {
		-> theId 통일
	// get employee
	Employee theEmployee = entityManager.find(Employee.class, theId);
	// return employee
	return theEmployee; 

DAO: Add or Update employee

@Override <- Note: We don't use @ Transactional at DAO layer 
					It will be handled at Service layer
public Employee save(Employee theEmployee) {
	// save or update the employee
	Employee dbEmployee = entityManager.merge(theEmployee);
	-> if id == 0 then save/insert else update
	// return dbEmployee
	return dbEmployee;
	-> Return dbEmployee 
	-> It has updated id from the database (in the case of insert)

DAO: Delege an existing employee

@Override <- Note: We don't use @ Transactional at DAO layer 
					It will be handled at Service layer
public void deleteById(int theId) {
	// find the employee by id
	Employee theEmployee = entityManager.find(Employee.class, theId);
	// delete the employee

Service methods

public interface EmployeeDAO {  
    List<Employee> findAll();  
    Employee findById(int theId);  
    Employee save(Employee theEmployee);  
    void deleteById(int theId);  
public interface EmployeeService {  
    List<Employee> findAll();  
    Employee findById(int theId);  
    Employee save(Employee theEmployee);  
    void deleteById(int theId);  

Delegate the calls to the DAO

public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements EmployeeService {  
    private EmployeeDAO employeeDAO;  
    public EmployeeServiceImpl (EmployeeDAO theEmployeeDAO) {  
        employeeDAO = theEmployeeDAO;  
    public List<Employee> findAll() {  
        return employeeDAO.findAll();  
    public Employee findById(int theId) {  
        return employeeDAO.findById(theId);  
    @Transactional  <- Apply at @Transactional the Service layer
    @Override    public Employee save(Employee theEmployee) {  
        return employeeDAO.save(theEmployee);  
    @Transactional  <- Apply at @Transactional the Service layer
    @Override    public void deleteById(int theId) {  

Get Single Employee & Read & Add Employee



  1. Set up Database Dev Environment
  2. Create Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr
  3. Get list of employees
  4. –Get single employee by ID– <—- Rest Controller methods
  5. –Add a new employee– <—- Rest Controller methods
  6. Update an existing employee
  7. Delete an existing employee

Read a Single Employee

Create a New Employee

Sending JSON to Spring REST Controllers

  • When sending JSON data to Spring REST Controllers
  • For controller to process JSON data, need to set a HTTP request header
    • Content-type: application/json
  • Need to configure REST client to send the correct HTTP request header

Postman - Sending JSON in Request Body

  • Must set HTTP request header in Postman

오류나는데 이부분 Content-Type 변경

RestController: Read a Single Employee & Add Employee

public class EmployeeRestController {  
    private EmployeeService employeeService;  
    // Refactor  
    // private EmployeeDAO employeeDAO;  
    // quick and dirty: inject employee dao (use constructor injection) 
    public EmployeeRestController(EmployeeService theEmployeeService) {  
        employeeService = theEmployeeService;  
    // expose "/employee" and return a list of employees  
    public List<Employee> findAll() {  
        return employeeService.findAll();  
    // add mapping for GET/ employees/{employeeId}  
    public Employee getEmployee(@PathVariable int employeeId){  
        Employee theEmployee = employeeService.findById(employeeId);  
        if (theEmployee == null) {  
            throw new RuntimeException("Employee id not found - " + employeeId);  
        return theEmployee;  
    // add mapping for POST /employees - add new employee  
    public Employee addEmployee(@RequestBody Employee theEmployee) {  
        // also just in case they pass an id in JSON... set id to 0  
        // this is to force a save of new item... instead of update  
        Employee dbEmployee = employeeService.save(theEmployee);  
        return dbEmployee;  


Update Employee & Delete Employee



  1. Set up Database Dev Environment
  2. Create Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr
  3. Get list of employees
  4. Get single employee by ID
  5. Add a new employee
  6. –Update an existing employee– <—- Rest Controller methods
  7. –Delete an existing employee– <—- Rest Controller methods

Update Employee

Delete Employee

public class EmployeeRestController {  
    private EmployeeService employeeService;  
    // Refactor  
    // private EmployeeDAO employeeDAO;  
    // quick and dirty: inject employee dao (use constructor injection) 
    public EmployeeRestController(EmployeeService theEmployeeService) {  
        employeeService = theEmployeeService;  
    // expose "/employee" and return a list of employees  
    public List<Employee> findAll() {  
        return employeeService.findAll();  
    // add mapping for GET/ employees/{employeeId}  
    public Employee getEmployee(@PathVariable int employeeId){  
        Employee theEmployee = employeeService.findById(employeeId);  
        if (theEmployee == null) {  
            throw new RuntimeException("Employee id not found - " + employeeId);  
        return theEmployee;  
    // add mapping for POST /employees - add new employee  
    public Employee addEmployee(@RequestBody Employee theEmployee) {  
        // also just in case they pass an id in JSON... set id to 0  
        // this is to force a save of new item... instead of update  
        Employee dbEmployee = employeeService.save(theEmployee);  
        return dbEmployee;  
    // add mapping for PUT/ employees - update existing employess  
    public Employee updateEmployee(@RequestBody Employee theEmployee) {  
        Employee dbEmployee = employeeService.save(theEmployee);  
        return dbEmployee;  <- It has latest updates from the database
    // add mapping for DELETE / employees/{employeeId} - delete employee  
    public String deleteEmployee(@PathVariable int employeeId) {  
        Employee tempEmployee = employeeService.findById(employeeId);  
        // throw exception if null  
        if (tempEmployee == null) {  
            throw new RuntimeException("Employee id not found - " + employeeId);  
        return "Deleted employee id - " + employeeId;  

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