2 분 소요

Application Architecture


The Problem

  • We saw how to create a DAO of Employee
  • What if we need to create a DAO for another entity?
    • Customer, Student, Product, Book…
  • Do we have to repeat all of the same code again?

Creating DAO

  • You may have noticed a pattern with creating DAOs


  • Create a DAO for me
  • Plug in my entity type and primary key
  • Give me all of the basic CRUD features for free

Spring Data JPA - Solution

  • Spring Data JPA is the solution!! – https://spring.io/projects/spring-data-jpa
  • Create a DAO and just plug in your entity type and primary key
  • Spring will give you a CRUD implementation for FREE
    • Helps to minimize boiler-plate DAO code

      More than 70% reduction in code .. depending on use case


  • Spring Data JPA provides the interface: JpaRepository
  • Expose methods (some by inheritance from parents)

Development Process

  1. Extend JpaRepository interface
  2. Use your Repository in your app

    No need for implementation class

Step 1: Extend JpaRepository interface

public interface EmployeeRepository extends JpaRepository<Employee//(Entity type)
, Integer//(primary key)> {
	that's it ... no deed to write any code
	No need for implementation class

JpaRepository Docs

  • Full list of methods available … see JavaDoc for JpaRepository https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/api/org/springframework/data/jpa/repository/JpaRepository.html

Step 2: Use Repository in your app

public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements EmployeeService {

	private EmployeeRepository employeeRepository

	public EmployeeServiceImpl (EmployeeRepository theEmployeeRepository) {
		employeeRepository = theEmployeeRepository;

	public List<Employee> findAll() {
		return employeeRepository.findAll(); <- Magic method that is available via repository

Minimized Boilerplate Code

  • Before Spring Data JPA
    • We’d create our Interface for given entity
    • We’d write our repository or our DAO implementation

      2 Files , 30+ lines of code

  • After Spring Data JPA
    • We create this interface employee repository
      • 1 File, 3 lines of code!
      • No need for implementation class

Advanced Features

  • Advanced features available for
    • Extending and adding custom queries with JPQL
    • Query Domain Specific Language (Query DSL)
    • Defining custom methods (low-level coding)


package com.luv2code.springboot.cruddemo.service;  
import com.luv2code.springboot.cruddemo.dao.EmployeeRepository;  
import com.luv2code.springboot.cruddemo.entity.Employee;  
import jakarta.transaction.Transactional;  
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;  
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;  
import java.util.List;  
import java.util.Optional;  
public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements EmployeeService {  
    private EmployeeRepository employeeRepository;  
    public EmployeeServiceImpl (EmployeeRepository theEmployeeRepository) {  
        employeeRepository = theEmployeeRepository;  
    public List<Employee> findAll() {  
        return employeeRepository.findAll();  
    public Employee findById(int theId) {  
        Optional<Employee> result = employeeRepository.findById(theId);  
        Employee theEmployee = null;  
        if (result.isPresent()) {  
            theEmployee = result.get();  
        else {  
            // we didn't find the employee  
            throw new RuntimeException ("Did not find employee id - " + theId);  
        return theEmployee;  
    public Employee save(Employee theEmployee) {  
        return employeeRepository.save(theEmployee);  
    public void deleteById(int theId) {  

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