2 분 소요

Java Web Application with Spring and Hibernate (9)

/ Spring Security / InMemoryUserDetailsManager / PasswordEncoder / BCryptPasswordEncoder / User / UserDetails /

Change hard code


private AuthenticationService authenticationService;  
public LoginController(AuthenticationService authenticationService) {  
    this.authenticationService = authenticationService;  

@RequestMapping(value="/",method = RequestMethod.GET)  
public String gotoLoginPage() {  
    return "welcome";  
@RequestMapping(value="login",method = RequestMethod.POST)  
//login?name=Ranga RequestParam  
public String gotoWelcomePage(@RequestParam String name,  
                              @RequestParam String password, ModelMap model) {  
    if(authenticationService.authenticate(name, password)) {  
        model.put("name", name);  
        model.put("password", password);  
        //name - in28minutes        //password - dummy  
        return "welcome";  
    model.put("errorMessage", "Invalid Credentials! ");  
    return "login";  
  • Plus, Delete AuthenticationService.java, login.jsp


package com.in28minutes.springboot.myfirstwebapp.login;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.SessionAttributes;

public class WelcomeController {

	@RequestMapping(value="/",method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public String gotoWelcomePage(ModelMap model) {
		model.put("name", "in28minutes");
		return "welcome";
  • Change Controller name

Plus security dependency


  • dependency 추가후에는 어느 페이지를 가든 로그인이 필요함
  • 콘솔에 비밀번호 자동으로 생성됨

Conifituring Spring Security with Custom User and Password Encoder

public class SpringSecurityConfiguration {
	//LDAP or Database
	//In Memory 
	//InMemoryUserDetailsManager(UserDetails... users)
	public InMemoryUserDetailsManager createUserDetailsManager() {
		Function<String, String> passwordEncoder
				= input -> passwordEncoder().encode(input);
		UserDetails userDetails = User.builder()
		return new InMemoryUserDetailsManager(userDetails);
	public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
		return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
  • @Configuration을 선언해서 직접적으로 Bean 알아서 생성
  • InMemoryUserDetailsManager 을 사용해서 내장되어 있는 User details 사용
  • passwordEncoder() 을 통해서 dummy 패스워드를 인코딩해서 메모리에 저장한다.

Refactoring and Removing Hardcoding of User id

before WelcomeController.java

@RequestMapping(value="/",method = RequestMethod.GET)  
public String gotoWelcomePage(ModelMap model) {  
    model.put("name", "in28minutes");  
    return "welcome";  

after WelcomeController.java

@RequestMapping(value="/",method = RequestMethod.GET)  
public String gotoWelcomePage(ModelMap model) {  
    model.put("name", getLoggedinUsername());  
    return "welcome";  
private String getLoggedinUsername() {  
    Authentication authentication =  
    return authentication.getName();  
  • SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); 를 통해서 로그인에 성공한 유저 이름을 그냥 갖고옴

before TodoController.java

public String listAllTodos(ModelMap model) {  
    List<Todo> todos = todoService.findByUsername("in28minutes");  
    model.addAttribute("todos", todos);  
    return "listTodos";  

after TodoController.java

public String listAllTodos(ModelMap model) {  
    String username = (String)model.get("name");   
List<Todo> todos = todoService.findByUsername(username);  
    model.addAttribute("todos", todos);  
    return "listTodos";  
  • 웰컴 컨트롤러에서 작업한 모델 name 값을 username 객체에 저장하고 갖고옴

before TodoService.java

public List<Todo> findByUsername(String username){   
    return todos;  

after TodoService.java

public List<Todo> findByUsername(String username){
		Predicate<? super Todo> predicate = 
				todo -> todo.getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(username);
		return todos.stream().filter(predicate).toList();
  • username 이 매칭될 경우에 실행됨

username을 활용하기 위해 다시 리팩

  • 모델 안에 username을 세팅해놓았기 때문에 웰컴컨트롤러가 아닌 유저가 바로 Todo 컨트롤러를 거친다면 세션 생성이 안된다.
  • 따라서 Spring security에서 바로 세션 값을 갖고 오는 방법을 권장한다.

before TodoController.java

public String listAllTodos(ModelMap model) {  
    String username = (String)model.get("name");  
    List<Todo> todos = todoService.findByUsername(username);  
    model.addAttribute("todos", todos);  
    return "listTodos";  

after TodoController.java

public String listAllTodos(ModelMap model) {  
    String username = getLoggedInUsername(model);  
    List<Todo> todos = todoService.findByUsername(username);  
    model.addAttribute("todos", todos);  
    return "listTodos";  

private String getLoggedinUsername() {  
    Authentication authentication =  
    return authentication.getName();  
