2 분 소요

Thymeleaf CRUD - Real Time Project

Application Requirements

  • Create a Web UI for the Employee Directory
  • Users should be able to
    • Get a list of employees
    • Add a new employee
    • Update an employee
    • Delete an employee

Real-Time Project

Application Architecture

Project Set Up

  • We will extend our existing Employee project and add DB integration
  • Add EmployeeService, EmployeeRepository and Employee entity
    • Available in one of our previous projects
    • We created all of this code already from scratch … so we’ll just copy / paste it
  • Allows us to focus on creating EmployeeController and Thymeleaf templates

Development Process

  1. Get list of employess
  2. Add a new employee
  3. Update an existing employee
  4. Delete an existing employee

Get list of employees

public class EmployeeController {  
   private EmployeeService employeeService;  
   public EmployeeController(EmployeeService theEmployeeService) {  
      employeeService = theEmployeeService;  
   // add mapping for "/list"  
   public String listEmployees(Model theModel) {  
      // get the employees from db  
      List<Employee> theEmployees = employeeService.findAll();  
      // add to the spring model  
      theModel.addAttribute("employees", theEmployees);  
      return "employees/list-employees";  

Auto redirect to another URL

Add a new employee

  • New Add Employee button for list-employees.html
  • Create HTML form for new employee
  • Process form data to save employee

Step 1: New “Add Employee” button

  • Add Employee button will href link to
    • request mapping /employees/showFormForAdd
Showing Form

In your Spring Controller

  • Before you show the form, you must add a model attribute
  • This is an object that will hold form data for the data binding
Controller code to show form

Thymeleaf and Spring MVC Data Binding
  • Thymeleaf has special expressions for binding Spring MVC form data
  • Automatically setting / retrieving data from a Java object
Thymeleaf Expressions
  • Thymeleaf expressions can help you build the HTML form
Expression Description
th:action Location to send form data
th:object Reference to model attribute
th:field Bind input field to a property on model attribue

Step 2: Create HTML form for new employee

  • When form is loaded, will call:
    • will call:
    • employee.getFirstName()
    • employee.getLastName
      • Call getter methods to populate form fields initially
  • When form is submitted,
    • will call:
      • employee.setFirstName(…)
      • employee.setLastName(….)
        • Call setter methods to populate Java object with form data
  • Add controller request mapping for /employees/save

Step 3: Process form data to save employee

public class EmployeeController {  
   private EmployeeService employeeService;  
   public EmployeeController(EmployeeService theEmployeeService) {  
      employeeService = theEmployeeService;  
public String saveEmployee(@ModelAttribute("employee") Employee theEmployee){  
   // save the employee  
   // use a redirect to prevent duplicate submissions  
   return "redirect:/employees/list";  

Update an existing employee

  1. “Update” button
  2. Pre-populate the form
  3. Process form data

Step 1: “Update” button

  • Each row has an Update link
    • current employee id embedded in link
  • When clicked
    • will load the employee from database
    • prepopulate the form
  • Update button includes employee id

Step 2: Pre-populate Form

  • When form is loaded,
    • will call:
      • employee.getFirstName()
      • employee.getLastName()
  • This is how form is pre-populated

Step 3: Process form data to save employee

  • No need for new code.. we can resue our existing code
  • Works the same for add or update

Delete Employee

  1. Add “Delete” button/link on page
  2. Add controller code for “Delete”

Step 1: “Delete” button

  • Each row has a Delete button/link
    • current employee id embedded in link
  • When clicked
    • prompt user
    • will delete the employee from database
  • Delete button includes employee id

Step 2: Add controller code for delete
