1 분 소요

What is Thymeleaf?

  • Thymeleaf is Java templating engine
  • Commonly used to generate the HTML views for web apps
  • However, it is a general purpose templating engine
    • Can use Thymeleaf outside of web apps (more on this later)
  • You can create Java apps with Thymeleaf
  • No need for Spring
  • But there is a lof od synergy between the two projects
  • Can be an HTML page with some Thymeleaf expressions
  • Include dynamic content from Thymeleaf expressions

    Can access Java code, objects Spring beans

Where is the Thymeleaf template porcessed?

  • In a web app, Thymeleaf is processed on the server
  • Results included in HTML returned to browser

Development Process

  1. Add Thymeleaf to Maven POM file
  2. Develop Spring MVC Controller
  3. Create Thymeleaf template

Step 1: Add Thymeleaf to Maven pom file

Based on this, Spring Boot will auto configures to use Thymeleaf templates

Step 2: Develop Spring MVC Contoller

Where to place Thymeleaf template?

  • In Spring Boot, your Thymeleaf template files go in
    • src/main/resources/templates
  • For web apps, Thymeleaf templates have a .html extension

Step 3: Create Thymeleaf template

Additional Features

  • Looping and conditionals
  • CSS and JavaScript integration
  • Template layouts and fragments

Using CSS with Thymleaf Templates

  • You have the option of using
    • Local CSS files as part of your project
    • Referencing remote CSS files
  • We’ll cover both options in this video

Development Process

  1. Create CSS file
  2. Reference CSS in Thymeleaf template
  3. Apply CSS style

Step 1: Create CSS file

  • Spring Boot will look for static resources in the directory
    • src/main/resources/static

Step 2: Reference CSS in Thymeleaf template

Step 3: Apply CSS

Other search directories

  • Spring Boot will search following directories for static resources:


3rd Party CSS Libraries - Bootstrap

  • Local Installation
  • Download Bootstrap file(s) and add to /static/css directory

  • Remote files
