1 분 소요

Database Access

REST API security(3)

  • So far, our user accounts were hard coded in Java source code
  • We want to add database access <- ADVANCED

Recall Our User Roles

User ID Password Roles
john test123 EMPLOYEE
marry test123 EMPLOYEE,MANAGER

Database Support in Spring Security

  • Spring Security can read user account info from database
  • By default, you have to follow Spring Security’s predefined table schemes
  • Follow Spring Security’s predefined table schemas
  • That’ll give us all the functionality and all of the code for hooking into the actual database and this is all given to us out of the box

Customize Database Access with Spring Security

  • Can also customize the table schemes
  • Useful if you have custom tables specific to your project / custom
  • You will be responsible for developing the code to access the data
    • JDBC, JPA / Hibernate etc

Development Process

  1. Develop SQL Script to set up database tables
  2. Add database support to Maven POM file
  3. Create JDBC properties file
  4. Update Spring Security Configuration to use JDBC

Default Spring Security Database Schema

Step 1: Develop SQL Script to setup database tables

Step 2: Add Database Support to Maven POM file

<!-- MySQL -->

JDBC Driver

Step 3: Create JDBC Properties File

File: application.properties

# JDBC connection properties


Step 4: Update Spring Security to use JDBC
