최대 1 분 소요

REST 서비스란 무엇인가?


  • 이해가 잘 가도록 스토리로 이해해보자.

Business Problem

  • Build a client app that provides the weather report for a city
  • Need to get weather data from an external service

Application Architecture


  1. How will we connect to the Weather Service?
  2. What programming language do we use?
  3. What is the data format?


  • How will we connect to the Weather Service?
    • We can make REST API calls over HTTP
    • REST: REpresentational State Transfer
    • Lightweight approach for communicationg between applications
  • What programming language do we use?
    • REST is language independent
    • The client application can use ANY programming language
    • The server application can use ANY programming language
  • What is the data format?
    • REST applications can use any data format
    • Commonly see XML and JSON
    • JSON is most popular and morden
      • JavaScriptObjectNotation

Possible Solution

  • Use online Weather Service API provided by: openweathermap.org
  • Provide weather data via an API
  • Data is available in multiple formats: JSON, XML etc..

Call Weather Service

  • The API documentation gives us the following:
    • Pass in the city name
      api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={city name}
      api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weatjer?q={city name},{country code}


      • REST calls can be made over HTTP
      • REST is language independent

출처 luv2code.com , https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/reference/html/index.html
